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Casting Actors

Working on projects such as promotional videos for events, advertisements, etc enables me to be exposed to the different challenges, ideas of team members, and most importantly people whom I can cast as actors in my personal projects. I worked with one of the students whom I had auditioned in school (for the music video of the song 'CRUSH') in making an advertisement. ( ). Her attitude on set was very positive and she wasn't camera conscious at all. This is an important quality for increasing the efficiency of work on set. She also fit the criteria for the female character in my music video which included being bold.
Her name is Aroob

For the male Actor, who has the main lead in the music video, I chose a very fitting student. Ironically, he was the one who sang the song 'Take on me' in the music room during to which I first came across the song. Since he already knew the song and was also skilled in playing several instruments, I felt like he was perfect for the role. Furthermore, his adorable and engaging nature would make it extremely easy for me to create his 'star persona'.

 His name is Sheece.  


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