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Music Videos to Me

Music has a tendency to stir your emotions. It can make you feel overwhelmed with happiness or sadness. Every individual has a unique perception of a song they listen to. However, putting pictures to those melodious words can give a whole new meaning to it. Depending on how the director depicts the song using moving pictures, a whole new direction is given to it in a MUSIC VIDEO. > When I came across this song and would listen to it on repeat the only thing that would come to my head was 'a kid being deprived of adequate love and care'. This idea came from a post I saw on Instagram months ago and a scene from my favorite TV show 'Breaking Bad'. With just two sources I thought of a storyline for a music video. It is apparent how my idea and the actual music video are completely dissimilar. This shows how every individual has an entirely different thought process (as mentioned before).

Picture from Instagram: 


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